delightful woven trims

you might have figured out that i really like alpine-y style woven trims. i designed the ribbon print skirt based on a few that i have, and i make this belt out of super wide vintage 60’s woven trim. okay, i’ll admit i may be a little obsessed with them, and when i find ones i like i hoard them. sure, i’ll use some of them on the clothes i make, but the really fancy ones i’m almost afraid to use, especially if i only have a few precious yards. i particularly like the ones that feature people in them. here are some pictures of cute trims from etsy and ebay for inspiration. (see, i even hoard pictures of trim!)

folky folk trims!

8 Responses to “delightful woven trims”

  1. lindamade Says:

    i do the same thing with doilies… i recently started hoarding pictures and i find it much better than hitting “buy it now”. for my wallet and closet, anyway.

  2. Christa Says:

    I really understand your obsession with these cute woven trims. They are so charming and I love your collection!

  3. hannah Says:

    i wish i had all of these in my collection! most of them are just pictures i saved while looking around on the internet. i did end up buying a few of them, though. i’m like lindamade, it is alot easier on the wallet and closet. although i don’t always have the self control!

  4. clarice Says:

    I love your blog so much, I mentioned it on mine. I hope you do not mind.
    Clarice@Storybook Woods

  5. Anh Says:

    Cute trims!!!

  6. Paula Clare Says:

    Oooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh, aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh. I’m thinking what a FABulous purse those trims would make…wouldn’t it be heaven to carry them around with you???

    I’m trying to spread a new philosophy…USE THE GOOD STUFF! (For I too am a hoarder and need serious 12 step help!)

    Be sure to post a picture if you decide to do so! Your blog is absolutely wonderful eye candy…I drool over the colorful display (I promise to keep it off your vintage trims and such)


  7. pyro chuck Says:

    Nice colors and patterns, Brought back memories of my grandmother and her house when i was a little kid. I’ll be back.

  8. Sarah Says:

    Love these trims and love your blog. Wish I wore skirts more often because I like yours! :-)

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