dancing creatures

i found these guys at the thrift store yesterday. i love them! i wasn’t really planning on going, i was out doing some errands, i turned the corner and the thrift store was calling me. i was compelled to go in. they had been spray painted white but i took the paint off.

dancing creatures!dancing creatures!

this is the kind of stuff i imagine happening in the back yard when i’m not looking!

i also found this giant heart shaped swiss chocolate mold which i’m going to hang up on the wall. it gives me an idea for something fun to make and wear! 

cute swiss chocolate mold!


8 Responses to “dancing creatures”

  1. Kathi D Says:

    Those are dancing Colima dogs:


  2. hannah Says:

    thanks kathi! they must be someone’s discarded vacation souvenir. no wonder i like them, i’m such a sucker for that kind of stuff!

  3. Nix Says:

    You must have the best eye for thrifted stuff and the best thrift stores. Western PA is dry.

  4. hannah Says:

    unfortunately most of the thrift stores around here are pretty much full of crap, although there are still a (very) few good ones left. but i keep going anyways…finding one good thing in a store full of crap makes it all seem worthwhile!

  5. Kathi D Says:

    P.S. I love those little dogs. My sis-in-law lives half the year in Mexico and she gave me a figurine like that, which is why I knew. She also sent a photo once of a town square down there with a big statue of these dogs in the middle!

    Good job on stripping them down to the clay, too.

  6. Christa Says:

    I’m in love with the Swiss chocolate mold — that’s a great find!

  7. Anam Says:

    I love those little creatures!

    I have a frog that needs the paint removed and now I know who to ask! How did you remove the paint, Hannah?

  8. hannah Says:

    i used lacquer thinner and an old toothbrush to scrub it off with. have patience!

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