thrift store thrills!

yes, i bought this sewing machine because it matches my car. that kind of thing gives me a thrill.

charger 651 + 62 fairlane

it is in mint condition and runs like new! also thrilling!

i saw it at the thrift store a few weeks ago and kept my fingers crossed that it would still be there when green tags were half price – it was! 1/2 price gives me a thrill too.

it caught my eye because the case is the same as the sewing machine my mother had when i was little, the one i learned to sew on (although the machine was different, and not nearly as colorful).

charger 651 and case

8 Responses to “thrift store thrills!”

  1. georgiapeachez Says:


  2. lisa Says:

    that is a fine machine

  3. hannah Says:

    thanks ladies! i was pretty thrilled! wait, did i mention that already…?

  4. Quinn Says:

    Major win! Enjoy :)

  5. KB Says:

    It’s like the Cadillac of sewing machines! Great find.

  6. Debbie Frommert Says:

    I also bought that same machine at a thrift store last November, and it was half price too! $12.50 I thought that was a bargain. I thought the case was odd but looks the same as yours (light yellow with blue?). I was wondering what year it was from, any clues?

  7. hannah Says:

    that was a bargain! not sure what year it’s from. the sewing machine my mother had with the same style case was bought in the early 70’s.

  8. Debbie Frommert Says:

    Thanks, mine is not working great but I’m working on adjustments

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