new skirts!

polkadot poppies skirt

black eyed susan skirt

midnight rose skirt


4 Responses to “new skirts!”

  1. Tiffany Joan Says:

    I adore all of your designs and skirts. I was on Modcloth today and noticed your tulip and mushroom design skirts were going to be available. How exciting for you.

  2. hannah Says:

    thanks tiffany! i am super excited about that!

  3. Marcia Harvey Says:

    Dear Hannah,

    I have been wearing and loving your skirts for years! I have also dearly loved your blog- so much so that I started my own fledgling effort: I hope you will have a chance to take a peek at it one day- in the meantime,
    thank you for all your inspiring works and words!

    Kindest regards,
    Marcia Harvey.

  4. hannah Says:

    thanks so much marcia, and yay for starting a blog!!!!! mine is sadly neglected these days but i don’t plan on letting it stay that way. i <3 your rollerskating picture, next time you go to moonlight rollerway i wanna go!!!

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