i've loved screen printing ever since i saw how many cute boys there were in the graphics room in high school. and i still love it! i also love knick knacks and ric rac (but not just because they
sound so good together) so here are three of my favorite things assembled together for your pleasure! oh yeah, i also love clothes, so make that four things. i'll be adding new designs every other month or so, sign up for my mailing list if you'd like to be updated.
Please feel free to email me
if you have any questions or if you just want to say hi! Stay tuned by following my instagram, facebook page or blog, and sign up for my email list below
check out my blog "knick knacks & ric rac" for a peek behind the scenes and the latest news.

or keep up with things on

take a little video tour of my home and studio over here!
view an archive of sold out designs